Our country says that the primary mental health modality is the therapist but that’s not the only mental health modality. When it comes to yoga therapy, when it comes to music therapy, when it comes to meditation – those modalities are not covered by insurance, that is when the Iverson Foundation comes into care. Shift the culture in your life and in your agency by incorporating an alternative mental health modality into your regular routine.
Music Therapy
Music therapy can uplift individuals and families with challenging conditions, help them achieve their goals, and support health and wellness throughout the community. Learn more about the value of music therapy with Resounding Joy.
Resounding Joy
Music therapy can be practiced alone or in a community setting. Resounding Joy has provided IFAA with a series of music resiliency self-paced videos to help introduce first responders to the practice of music therapy.

The Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness is currently sponsoring a series of in person and virtual music resiliency classes for all first responder families. Classes start September 25th, 2021 and run through November 13th – there is no obligitation to attend all classes.
Now is your chance to learn how to play an instrument (ukulele), learn some fun songs just for you and bond with your family through music…BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT.

Yoga Therapy
Guided yoga can help you strenghten your mind, body, and soul through approachable, simple, and easy to understand instruction in breathing and stretching.
Watch our “Breathing Through the Darkness” video to see how yoga may benefit first responders.
The Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness has sponsored yoga sessions for first responders, significant others, and first responder families.
Yoga for First Responders
The Iverson Foundation sponsors 12-weeks of once-weekly private yoga sessions to first responders to learn the tools to help with mobility, strength, injury recovery, sleep, stress management, and more.
Over the course of these 12 sessions, we hope you discover the benefits of regular yoga practice and the power of slowing down and checking in with yourself regularly.
We will work with you and be flexible with your schedule!
Yoga for Significant Others
There is a once-weekly FREE session for first responder spouses and significant other’s hosted virtually by Kendall Wood, IFAA’s yoga program manager.
This 60-minute session combines 30 minutes of yoga with 30 minutes of discussion in a supportive community that you can tap into for support when your partner is away. For more information and the zoom link contact [email protected].
Yoga for Families
IFAA extends an offer of 6-weeks of once-weekly private yoga sessions to the spouse, significant other, or immediate family of any first responder.
While our first responders are out in the field, we’re holding down the home front. This can be a fast-paced, stressful environment that comes with its own unique challenges. We hope yoga will give you a self-care tool to tap into and that this one hour a week will remind you that you are valuable and deserve the best care!
Meet our yoga instructors
The six instructors available create yoga approachable, simple and easy to understand regardless of your experience level. All of our instructors are highly qualified individuals with experience
working with first responders and many have family within the community.